Majestic! Is there any other word that can describe these clouds?

Awesome! Light breaking through the darkness takes our breath away.
People respond instinctively to magnificent displays of grandeur in the sky. They use words like 'majesty', 'awesome', and 'glorious'. Yet the words we use usually fall short of the response we feel to view such splendor. And it's no wonder our words aren't adequate. Sunrises and sunsets are a reflection of God's gladness. "You (O God) make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy." Psalm 65:8b
God's majesty! God's joy! These things can be known about God through what we see in God's creation, in this case, in the skies. The Bible says: For what can be known about God is plain to them (mankind), because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in things that have been made." Romans 1:19,20a
Isn't it wonderful that the warmth of spring has arrived so that we can be outside more? We can go out doors without winter coats and boots, and we can see and reflect upon the new life God is bringing forth. In the creation we see the revelation of God's attributes, His eternal power and divine nature. Even when we look up at the skies we see evidence of His majesty. Let us be glad as he is glad!
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