The wind blew hard and the temperature returned to zero. The week of warm weather was over and ponds and rivers turned again to ice. On the Genesee River behind the Mt. Morris dam was a huge reservoir of water accumulated from the recent thaw. At the base of the dam (constructed for flood control in the 1950's) water was slowly being released. This water created a slowly revolving whirlpool of open water. Inside that whirlpool floated circular chunks of ice. They looked like water lilies floating in a garden pond. However, it definitely wasn't the time of year for flowers. And lilies don't slowly rotate like a giant merry-go-round.

However, the scene reminded me of something else. It reminded me of how we respond to fear. Especially in the middle of the night, don't our fears and apprehensions go around and around in our minds? Isn't it as if we're locked into our thoughts and can't see any way out; its just like these chunks of ice trapped in this slow whirlpool.
Icy fears grip us. Around and around our worries go. The thoughts of failing health or impending death. The uncertainty of the economy. The heartbreak of broken relationships. The threat of terrorism and war. The consuming guilt of wrongs that can never be righted.
We should take comfort that one of the most prevalent phrases that God speaks to His people in the Bible is- Don't be afraid! The Old Testament and the New Testament says this dozens and dozens and dozens of times. Isn't it amazing that God wants to help us in the icy fears that trap and paralyze us.
In a few weeks, the ice will leave the Genesee River. The warmth of the sunshine is all it takes. In the same way, all it takes for fear to leave, is to get to know the God who says to us Don't be afraid, the God of the Bible.
You certainly hit on an all too familiar occurrence in my own life. It has happened to me, even when there is nothing to really be concerned about, the enemy sneaks in and fills my mind with thoughts and my heart with dread. I lay awake at night, feeling my heart race faster than my thoughts. Anxiety grips me and I feel panic. I want to run, but there is nowhere to hide. Then I stop and pray, ask others to pray for me. The enemy retreats, sometimes slowly, sometimes immediately. The peace only God can give fills me, surrounds me, and I am strengthened and encouraged by God's loving care. He IS in control and we can rest in Him and know for sure we have nothing to dread, nothing to fear, not even fear itself, for He has all in His care. There is nothing too small or too large for God to handle. He knows the beginning and the end. He has the best plan for each of His children.
ReplyDeleteYou understand exactly, Annette!